Sister Love

Sister Love

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fly on the Wall

I would love to be a fly on the wall in Reese's 2nd grade class during prayer request time! Every day she tells me of something somebody said.......always during prayer request time! Lots of laughs..........about other people.........but when your child is the one telling all she knows.........for the sake of "prayer"'s not that funny!

Reese raised her hand- " My mom got stopped by a police officer Tuesday on our way to dance class....... he gave her a warning. I really don't know if I should tell this or not, but please pray for my mom to slow down!"

Her sweet, sweet, teacher just laughed at this one a bit and just told her that sometimes it happens to the best of us! I'm sure Mrs.T has heard IT ALL while teaching for 30+ years! Thanks again to my youngest child for telling all she knows!!!HA!
On a lighter note, Riley has been a servant leader this week at school. She was asked to pray over the Intercom this morning for the whole school! She was a little nervous, but she said the sweetest prayer..........and she didn't mention anything about her mom's driving! Bless her sweet heart!!! :-)